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Scientific studies

Here you can get an insight into some studies on the subject of water purification and enrichment of water with hydrogen gas. All studies are available in English only.

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Hundreds of studies demonstrate that molecular hydrogen has therapeutic benefits and advantages. The following studies are reproduced here for educational purposes only. They are not published here to indicate any results or effects for people with similar or the same diseases or symptoms.

The results obtained in these studies should not be taken as an indicator of results that you may obtain.

The studies only show potential results. There are no (clinical) protocols, drugs, natural remedies or techniques that are 100% effective. Every person is different and diseases are complex matters.

Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals

This study is the first scientific study to be conducted in vitro. It proves that hydrogen gas is able to react selectively with the particularly aggressive hydroxyl radicals or to render them harmless by reduction (in the sense of a chemical reaction).

This study caused a great stir after its publication in 2007 and subsequently led to more than 1,000 studies being published dealing with this topic.

Molecular Hydrogen: New Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Related Diseases

Until now, hydrogen gas has been classified as an inert gas in organisms. Inert gases are gases that are particularly unreactive and "reluctant" to form chemical compounds. Nevertheless, this review article from 2013 shows that the consumption of water saturated with hydrogen gas has, among other things, a high anti-inflammatory potential. According to this study, its consumption can be helpful in rheumatoid diseases such as arthritis.

Hydrogen water intake via tube-feeding for patients with pressure ulcer and its reconstructive effects on normal human skin cells in vitro

In this Japanese retrospective study from 2013, it was demonstrated that daily consumption of 2x 600 ml of drinking water saturated with hydrogen gas significantly accelerated the healing of wounds (decubitus ulcers).

Pilot study: Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on muscle fatigue caused by acute exercise in elite athletes

This crossover, double-blind pilot study had soccer players as subjects and was published in 2012.

By determining lactate levels after exercise, it was found that athletes who consumed water saturated with hydrogen gas before exercise had significantly lower lactate levels and showed an improvement in muscle function.

Clinical Effects of Hydrogen Administration: From Animal and Human Diseases to Exercise Medicine

This detailed review article from 2016 evaluates the results of a large number of human and animal studies, which in turn concern a wide range of different indications.

Lead author Garth L. Nicolson is an American biochemist who developed a groundbreaking scientific model for the cell membrane known as the Fluid Mosaic Model.